Says 162 – Books Finally Published

look-whats_newWell it’s been a journey to say the least but I’ve finally published my trilogy. I started writing back in 2000 and after4 years, I finished what I thought was my first book. I sent out query letters and submissions to almost a hundred publishers and agents, but had no takers. Discouraged, I put the book aside and carried on doing other things, but still journaling and writing. It wasn’t until 2008, that I decided to divide my original book and expanded the “tools” section that had formed the appendix to create my first book titled, “Journeys from the Heart Centre – Meditation as a tool for healing and self-empowerment,” which I then published as an eBook. I then began to work on my second book, ignoring my original work, as I felt that that would complete my trilogy.

After countless delays and frustrations in tying all three books together, I finally finished them, including a substantial re-vision to my first book that was in response to emails I had received. So now, I need to edit and update my website and then look at getting the manuscripts off to a POD publisher so that they can be printed and distributed as a paperback.








After that, I’ll be looking at creating a wiki website for my material, as well as cleaning of all the bits and pieces of the material I’ve used in books 1, 2 and 3, and sorting out what I’m going to use for book 4. If you would like a free copy of my eBooks, either in a DOC or PDF format, you can do so at my website..

Says 151 – I’m back and there are some changes.

151 - Book 2  coverWell having my website hacked was the proverbial straw that broke the camel’s back as I haven’t posted for months. I had been gradually cutting back on posting to my blog for a while and when I did, it was always playing “catch up.”  This put a lot of pressure on me, as I was also trying to finish editing my 2nd and 3rd books so that I could publish them. Having my entire website hacked, make me feel what’s the use, and who really cares anyway, except the creeps that hacked me.

After getting things back on line, I slowly focused on editing my books.  There were a lot of things I had over looked, like checking my grammar and formatting.  I thought I had no grammar errors until I happened to open another Word document that said I had too many errors to continue checking my grammar. This made me wonder, so I divided my books to make them shorter and then corrected the grammar issues. I’m almost there and hope to have them available as free ebooks (PDF or.doc  format) in the next couple of weeks.

151 - Johnny AppleseedI’ve also decided to change what I post on my blog. I have been posting my personal experiences as well as what is happening in the world today, trying to wake people up.  I’m no longer going to do that as becoming aware as to what is wrong with this world , then doing something about it is a personal choice.  Instead, I’m going to use my blog as a means to plant a seed in the minds of those reading it, so that they too can begin to heal their issues and create the reality they desire. This realization came to me as I’ve recently been collecting seeds, and it occurred to me that I need to sow the seeds that I have. Not the physical seeds, like Johnny Apple Seed, but the Word seeds, that will grow and be taken in to change people’s Minds and Hearts. I’m still going to post my personal stuff and any issues I’m going through as well as healings and insights  I experience in creating  a new world reality, Heaven on Earth.

Says 150 – WordPress blog and my website hacked…

Web blog hacked2013 May 12 A friend emailed me to tell me that my blog had been hacked. I checked it out and sure enough, I got a black screen and a “not to pleasant” welcome message. When I clicked on the message, it displayed a picture, along with music and animated GIF’s boasting their success. I was in shock, as why would anyone want to target me, but then I realized that to these “otherkin,” it’s all a game and that creating chaos and misery is what turns them on.

HackerI reported my problem to my website host “Save on Hosting” and they took my website off line.  . I immediately began to scan my computer for any virus or Trojan that might have infected it. I ran my AVG, Malwarebytes, Spybot – search and destroy and even downloaded Microsoft security essentials and Kasperesky and ran them to check if anything had been missed but my machine was clean. After a few emails, they stated that WordPress had a vulnerability and that was how the hackers got into my site. We exchanged a few more emails and they re-stored a backup version of my website and had me back up and running. So while it was a shock and an inconvenience, it wasn’t a big deal.

Says 77 – Re-focusing on eBook 2 – final edit

2012 Aug 07 The past few days I have begun proof reading and re-editing eBook 2 – My Journey – Three Levels of Healing. The present website version is still v1.9 but I’m now working on v4.3. In this edit, I’m mainly looking for and punctuation errors but I’m re-phrasing, and adding or deleting the odd word or words from the last edit. It’s amazing, as no matter how many times I edit it, there is always something that I missed. I wrote the material, so while my eyes scan what is written, I know what I said or wanted to say in my Mind. I’ve been using Natural Reader a free text to speech program to do my recent editing and that too is now becoming somewhat ineffective as I’ve listened to my material several times. I’m using Natural reader mainly to listen to how my words flows, while also using my eyes to spot what I think are punctuation errors.

It would be nice to have another person that has never read my work, do an edit, but I can’t afford a professional one so I’ll just have to do the best I can. So what it it’s not grammatically “perfect,” according to some English language rules. It’s interesting that even though society puts emphasis on good grammar and spelling, we can still read and understand what the writer meant if the spelling is terrible.. Here is an internet example. You can still read bad spelling

i cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rdanieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it dseno’t mtaetr in waht oerdr the ltteres in a wrod are, the olny iproamtnt tihng is taht the frsit and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it whotuit a pboerlm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Azanmig huh? yaeh and I awlyas tghuhot slpeling was ipmorantt! if you can raed tihs forwrad it

I’m thinking that when I finish eBook 2 and Book 3, that I’ll also redo my website and have it so that if anyone wants my published eBooks, (1, 2, and 3) that they will have to email me and I will email it to them. I’ll have to wait and see what happens when I go to get the books published in print through a POD publisher, and how the eBooks will be handled. I’m not looking at making money (or at least, as little as possible) off the printed books, and would certainly still like to have the eBooks distributed for free.

Says 01 – New WordPress Blog

Wordpress Logo

Well I’ve finally done it, I’ve installed WordPress Blog on my website. My main concern was in getting a theme that I liked and so I hummed and hawed and looked at numerous websites and videos on how to manually install WordPress on your website.

Finally I decided to use the cPanel “site software” on my web host and install WordPress from there and see what happens. To my surprise it was a lot easier than I thought. I used the 5 minuet WordPress install and it was literally, installed it in under 5 minutes. It also contained two WP themes, Twenty ten and Twenty Eleven.. and Twenty Ten was one of the themes I liked. It also prompted me to update to 3.3.1. so I also have the latest version.

Now it’s a matter of tweaking it to my liking and I’m off to the races..  well almost. I still  have to edit my websites to add the new link and then update the changes to my websites..  I also have to add a post and link in my old Opera Saysame Blog pointing to this site..