Says 412 – Speaking your truth in a reality of bullshit.

Internet image. not image of health food store.

Today I went to the health food store and they have signs on the door indicating that you must wear a mask and must use the hand sanitizers to be able to go into the store. I walked in and a man in his 40’s wearing a mask came over to me told me I have to wear masks and sanitize my hands. I stated that I can’t wear a mask because I can’t breathe and that I’m allergic to hand sanitizers.

He saw the list I had in my hand and said that he would pick up the products I wanted and that I should wait here.
I said, “No I want to shop myself. I don’t have the product names but I know what they look like.”
He said, “You can’t shop here without a mask and sanitizing your hands.”
I said, “Fine, you have a choice. You can either let me shop without a mask and using hand sanitizers, or I walk out and take my business elsewhere”

I couldn’t see his mouth but his eyes blinked a couple times, then he nodded his head indicating he was accepting my terms and waived his right arm to usher me into the store. As I walked to the shelves he said that I should use this counter, (pointing) when I wanted to check out.

I did my shopping, paid my bill with cash and briefly chatted with the girl that was not wearing a mask and not behind any plastic shield of any kind. I got the impression that she’s not a happy camper working where she is regarding all the covid-19 BS.

It’s bad enough that the government, medical and media bullshit us.. but that business also try the same shit. I spoke my truth and stood my ground. He was in denial and knew it.. An example of how truth (love) prevails over lies, omission, avoidance and denials.

Says 406 – Now animals are covid-19 carriers

They keep changing their bullshit narrative… adding more confusion and more fear to their story… I suspect the next thing the government, medical establishment and the media will be touting is that wildlife will need to self-isolate. If they don’t OBEY.. they will be fined and locked up…

OMG… !!!! What about the common house flies… They land on everything and if one lands on you.. you could get the virus. You never know where they landed, so don’t touch anything as it could be contaminated and you could die… What if you dog sniffs or licks another dogs butt or something else on your walk and you don’t see them doing that..  and then they lick you.. OMG!!!!  Maybe dogs should wear masks and maybe little booties too. But be careful taking them off..

Not only that, while you may be asymptomatic, you COULD be passing it on to a loved one or another vulnerable person. Maybe it best that you just end it all and not have to deal with all the ANXIETY and living in constant FEAR.

Here is the link to the latest rhetoric

Taking the dog for a walk is one of the few aspects of normal life that hasn’t been entirely disrupted by the COVID-19 outbreak.But experts have a message for all the pet owners venturing out for a puppy promenade — physical distancing rules should apply to animals too.Veterinarians say it’s




Says 400 – Society taught what to think, not how to think.

Here’s a sad truth. This meme doesn’t just refer to present day children, it refers to all humanity… as we all were children at some point. We were taught what to think and believe, not how to think and form our own beliefs. It began with our parents, with language, religion and social customs, traditions, and certain physical skills. We were taught to FOLLOW ORDERS, and to OBEY our parent’s aka (superiors, authorities)

That program was then shifted to school where we were taught how to memorize data and be able to recite it. This indoctrination continues through our academic years and then….. spilled over into the work place. We learned how to do a JOB and become an adult member of society. No where along the way were we taught HOW to think for yourself or problem solve.. as for most, it was already too late by the time we were three years old.
So now, with this covid-19 virus situation, most people are dumbfounded, awe struck, in shock, numb and in as state of panic as to how to cope with the problem that is really a diversion, a smoke screen to coverup what is really going on by those in government and a position of “authority”.. Since we were TAUGHT to OBEY authority, questioning government and the medical establishment is forbidden.
And so the sheeple mindlessly OBEY and and become obsessed if other (free thinkers) aren’t “GOOD CITIZENS” and also obey the dictates of the corrupt government. It’s time to remove the blinders and rose coloured glasses while you still can.. but for many.. it’s already too late.

Says 398 – Covid-19 and the NWO

Think of all the protests against governments that were going on world-wide… and then… CRONAVIRUS and then a new term… COVID-19. and __________ everything changes.

how did “they” do it? How did the governments find the right crisis to change the momentum of the opposition against their corruption? They found a COMMON FEAR and are using it to CONTROL people.. Fear of death creating disease and fear of the unknown. Gradually at first, but then increasing the FEAR propaganda and reducing individual FREEDOM. Most people accept the limitations (quarantine) put on them without question, even going so far as to self-isolate (quarantine) themselves, believing the government is looking after their best interests and HEALTH, as they don’t want to die… by the fear based propaganda, they panic and go into survival mode, and like sheep to the slaughter… they become trapped and the NWO is in control.