2013 Jan 30 Yesterday I began to get chills and fevers and also a mild headache and a runny nose. Today I realized that the Apple cider vinegar I was taking was acidic and it was running down my immune system so that now I was getting a cold. I stopped taking it and started to take baking soda and water in an attempt to bring my blood ph level back into the alkaline state.
2013 February 5, I’ve been sick for the past four days. Not only do I have a cold with headache, sinus, runny nose, fever and chills, but I’m also suffering from severe lower back and neck pain. There were a couple of nights that I didn’t know which way to turn or what to do to get to sleep as I was in agony.
I was feeling better today and went to the chiropractor today and he gave me some relief for my back. I realize that I’ve been struggling with a cold or whatever for the past couple months and I think taking the Apple cider vinegar was pivotal in changing the ph level in my blood and letting it manifest in the way it did. I still have over half a bottle left and I’ll just used for cooking or whatever.