Whether you admit it or not; empaths are love starved, they want to be loved and accepted. They are attracted to another person that they feel completes or compliments them. In most cases, they attract a narcissist that isn’t real in their feelings and emotions, but is good at acting the part. Being in denial, is what sets an empath up to give their power away.
Daily Archives: 2022/09/11
SV-124G – The Common Thread
My journey is a search for truth, love and the meaning of life. While reading numerous books, and coming across part-truths that felt real, something was always lacking. I was searching for something that would connect them, a common thread. When I was introduced to the first book in the RUOW (Right Use Of Will) series by Ceanne DeRohan, I realized what was missing, what I wasn’t seeing. What was common to everything was denial, and that totally changed my journey.
SV-123G – New Age Religion
Examines the New Age movement as another form of religion in that real feelings and emotions are denied, in order to be positive and feel good. Its agenda is also similar to the “mental health” establishment, where they aren’t looking for the cause of one’s so-called “negative” feelings and emotions, but rather address the symptoms with the use of drugs, or cognitive therapy or whatever they can use to make money.
SV-122G – The Mental Health Program
The medical establishment is of no real help to an empath. Psychiatrists and psychologists treat emotions as if they were constructs or aspects of the mind and hence, they use mental based techniques to try to treat emotional issues. Cognitive therapy and having a “positive” attitude and shrugging off (denying) any “so-called” negative feelings and emotions is their solution. If that doesn’t work, they’re quick to either prescribe mind-numbing drugs, or ones that create a high and a false sense of well-being. For true healing, one needs to deal with the mental, emotional and physical issues as they are all connected. Any feelings and emotions that the mind denies, have no place to go except in the body, where they create distress and dis-ease.