Says 125 – Potheads doing what potheads do best


woman-smoking-marijuana2012 Dec 27 I was working at my computer when I began getting a headache. I thought I had it because I had been at the computer too long. I decided to take a break. As I opened my bedroom door to go to the bathroom, I was greeted with a blast of the odor of marijuana that was overpowering. I immediately felt nauseous and began to cough . Paul and his girlfriend were toking up in his bedroom. This was the third time in the past week and a half that he has intentionally smoked his shit in the house. I guess he figures that as I’m leaving anyway, he can do whatever he wants.

The smell of weed not only makes me cough and wheeze but it also makes me feel sick, dizzy and disoriented and gives me a splitting headache that is focused behind my eyes and lasts for 6 – 10 hours. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper as I had to stop working on editing my book as I couldn’t focus. I hope to get the keys to my bachelor apartment this weekend and I’m out of this shit…   Hopefully… 🙂

Says 104 – Another sleepless night and confrontation

2012 Oct 08 2:30 am Well I’ve been awake for a good hour and a half coughing and hacking away from the smell of weed/hash. I had gotten up to go to the bathroom and when I opened my door, the unmistakable smell of weed and another smell that could be hash, filled my lungs and I began to cough and hack. When I was in the bathroom, I opened the window and was able to breathe some fresh air. Even though I held my breath when I went back to my room, the damage had been done as I continued to cough, as my lungs were trying to expel the poison they had taken in. This shit tonight is not only affecting my lungs, but is also giving ne a headache and I feel disoriented. I’m letting Paul know tomorrow that I’ll be looking for another place.

9:45 am. I met Paul in the hallway, and told him that I don’t see him giving up his addiction to pot and whatever, so I’ll be looking for a new place and will be moving out by the end of the month. I told him how it was affecting me and even as I talked to him in the hallway, I could feel my breathing getting shorter and my voice raspy, as could he. He said that I was a good tenant and that he didn’t know it affected me in the way that he could now see. He said that he didn’t want me to go and that he would stop using it if it bothered me, and that he would do it outside or away from home. I said, OK, we’ll see.

We talked for a few minutes and I told him that I was also allergic to some men’s cologne and after-shave, women’s perfume, hand sanitizers, air fresheners and cleaning products, etc. and told him what they physically did to me. Well it looks like I might be living here for a while.