2012 Nov 04 Sunday. People feed on our energy, just as we are feeding on others. They feed on our energy by what we do, work, play, shop (consumed products) and of course money. It’s in the exchange of money that most of our energy is either given or taken. Everything is energy and we exchange our physical and mental energy to get a piece of paper (money) that we then use to get energy (things) from others.

In all this there is always the middleman, the moneylenders, that feed on the interest they charge for the use of money that they fabricate without really putting anything of their energy into it. The problem with this system is in the governments, corporations, banks and other financial institutions especially the Federal Reserve and the Bank of Canada that charge interest on the money they fabricate. The personal energy it takes to print a $1 or $1,000 bill is the same, yet the interest charged is 1000 fold and doesn’t represent any real work or energy by the people authorizing the printing of it. This interest charged is energy that one needs to provide that is above and beyond what they originally expended. The people receiving this interest payment of energy do so without lifting a finger as it comes from the blood, sweat, and tears of those that are slaves to the system.
Even more of a problem is that people borrow money to buy things that they can’t afford and so they are locked into working to pay the interest on the money they borrowed. They have to work at what they don’t like so that they can have what they desire. They give up years of their lives just to pay interest on the debt they owe so, that the moneylenders can have the life they desire without having to work and do what they don’t want. 
The irony is that while we desire to have the ”good life” like the moneylenders and the fat cats in big corporations and government positions, little do we know that by our buying into the mindset they have given us, that we are the ones that have put them in that position, while we have to struggle.