Says 400 – Society taught what to think, not how to think.

Here’s a sad truth. This meme doesn’t just refer to present day children, it refers to all humanity… as we all were children at some point. We were taught what to think and believe, not how to think and form our own beliefs. It began with our parents, with language, religion and social customs, traditions, and certain physical skills. We were taught to FOLLOW ORDERS, and to OBEY our parent’s aka (superiors, authorities)

That program was then shifted to school where we were taught how to memorize data and be able to recite it. This indoctrination continues through our academic years and then….. spilled over into the work place. We learned how to do a JOB and become an adult member of society. No where along the way were we taught HOW to think for yourself or problem solve.. as for most, it was already too late by the time we were three years old.
So now, with this covid-19 virus situation, most people are dumbfounded, awe struck, in shock, numb and in as state of panic as to how to cope with the problem that is really a diversion, a smoke screen to coverup what is really going on by those in government and a position of “authority”.. Since we were TAUGHT to OBEY authority, questioning government and the medical establishment is forbidden.
And so the sheeple mindlessly OBEY and and become obsessed if other (free thinkers) aren’t “GOOD CITIZENS” and also obey the dictates of the corrupt government. It’s time to remove the blinders and rose coloured glasses while you still can.. but for many.. it’s already too late.

Says 320 – Religious Brainwashing

This is a good example of religious Brainwashing. While this is religious, other parental beliefs are also programmed into the young child’s mind that will affect their future experiences. The same type of ritualistic indoctrination takes place in the education system and the various aspects of the media which bring us information from other social systems.

Says 90 – Confrontation with weed smoking pot-head

September 14 Friday 12:55 PM Well I was awakened again, this time by a commotion coming from the hallway. I opened my door and could see that both Kyle and Shaneese’s doors were open and the lights were on. I could also smell weed. I saw movement in Shaneese’s room and saw her sitting on her bed, leaning forward and smiling like a Cheshire cat, Kyle beside her but not showing his face. I asked what was going on and she smilingly replied, “Nothing, just hanging out and chillin.” In a voice of distain, I snapped, “It’s almost 1:00 am and you woke me up.” She stared blankly at me but said nothing. I went back to my room.

Just as I was writing the experience in my journal, I heard a knock at the door. I opened my door and Shaneese was standing there, smiling and asking me if I had a problem. I snapped back that yes I have a problem. It’s 1:00 am and I was sleeping and you pot heads woke me up. She was still grinning as she made a move toward me as if to come into my room. Before she took a second step, I stepped back and slammed the door in her face. A couple of seconds later I opened it to see a stunned look on her face. She began to give me lip, telling me to F**k off and to never slam the door in her face again. She moved away and started to make her way down the hallway toward the kitchen and as she did, she ordered me to keep my mouth shut. I followed her as she turned to go down the stairs and toward the garage. I told her I wasn’t keeping my mouth shut for anyone and that owners will hear about this. As she made her way into the garage, she said that it doesn’t matter what the f**k I say as she has been here a long time. I snapped back, “Well we’ll see about that.” With her going into the garage, I left and went back into my room and tried to go to sleep.
Well it looks like I wouldn’t be here much longer.

September 15 9:20 AM Shaneese was up when I went to the kitchen to make myself breakfast she didn’t say anything as she walked down the hallway to go to the garage for a smoke. Later I saw both her and Kyle sneaked past the kitchen door and go to their rooms. It will be interesting to see what unfolds when I talk with Frank the owner.

I’ve been around alcoholics, potheads and druggies but now it’s on a personal level as what they are doing is directly affecting me. This addiction is just another form of denial like religion, politics, buying stuff, doing things for others, working, golf, alcohol, hard drugs, prescription drugs and habits are all symptoms of deeper rooted problems. I just realized that my issue with these kids is that I have this belief that they don’t know any better as that is how they been raised. How they were brought up is an issue here and that they do what their parents allowed them to do with no real parental guidance, or having to take responsibility for their actions. In other words there are spoiled kids that control the manipulated their parents and others, as that is what their parents taught them by accepting their form of control and manipulation in allowing them this irresponsible freedom.

I had a chat with Frank, the owner, when he got up he told me he had been working till 3 AM. I realized that that’s why they decided to have a party. Frank said that he was awakened at 4 AM and couldn’t get back to sleep. I told him everything that went on last night and other stuff that has been going on, and he said it’s an acceptable and that he will have a talk with Nancy (his wife) later when she gets home.
Shaneese was out, but Kyle was in his room with the door open listening to what I was saying to Frank, because as I went to the top of the stairs, I saw him close his door.