Says 453 – Suez Canal – False Flag for Financial Crisis








You’ve seen it on TV... but did you know that Hillary Clinton owns the ship and also that Hillary Clinton is involved in child trafficking.  BUT… this is also affecting the global economy..  so expect the price of gas to rise as well as other goods and services.

To give you an idea of how HUGE these ships are, those containers stacked up on deck are what you see on the back of transport trucks on teh highway.. I count 10 high and 25 long and roughly 20 wide. That makes roughly 5000 shipping containers above deck.

So, Riddle me this.. With 10-12% of the WORLD trade being held up at an estimated cost of $400million per hour, you have to wonder why there is only ONE Excavator on the job site?  I’m sure there are ones that can work off barges (dredgers) that can excavate the water side..

And why aren’t there any excavators lowering the height the bank so that other excavators can dig deeper? And why not have bulldozers move the excavated material out of the way?  And where are the night lights as this should be a 24/7 emergency job?

This looks and feels like a deliberate “False Flag” operation so that there is an excuse to blame for the market crash to come.  Why else would there be such an obviously mediocre attempt to free the ship.

Says 398 – Covid-19 and the NWO

Think of all the protests against governments that were going on world-wide… and then… CRONAVIRUS and then a new term… COVID-19. and __________ everything changes.

how did “they” do it? How did the governments find the right crisis to change the momentum of the opposition against their corruption? They found a COMMON FEAR and are using it to CONTROL people.. Fear of death creating disease and fear of the unknown. Gradually at first, but then increasing the FEAR propaganda and reducing individual FREEDOM. Most people accept the limitations (quarantine) put on them without question, even going so far as to self-isolate (quarantine) themselves, believing the government is looking after their best interests and HEALTH, as they don’t want to die… by the fear based propaganda, they panic and go into survival mode, and like sheep to the slaughter… they become trapped and the NWO is in control.