Says 515 – Living human being vs legal corporate entity

This is a great example of someone that separated truth from fiction.. Ending the reign of so-called “authority” and control of ones sovereign being and life. There is more… a lot more to this, but for starters, The government is a corporation and any document that has your name in CAPITAL letters makes that document a legal corporate entity. By guile, coercion and gaslighting, they convince YOU, the physical human being, that you and ‘It” (the document) are one and the same.

If you believe that and CONSENT… then you are trapped in their so-called “legal” game and their laws and rules. When you know and SPEAK the TRUTH and don’t play their game, they have no power or control over you. The thing to remember is that those that work for the government and its services and agencies, etc, “represent” the legal corporation and only have legal “authority” over a legal entity “corporate document” that the government created, and not the living human being.