The old WordPress Twenty Ten theme was not “responsive,” in that it was a fixed template that only looked good and readable on a computer. This new template, Beyond Expectations is responsive and will look good on a computer, tablet or mobile.
I was a bit hesitant in changing the theme, given the disaster I had with the SMF Forum changes I recently tried to do. But this time, I made a back up. I also changed the theme to the old free WordPress – Saysame blog that also had a fixed template, changing it from Twenty Ten to a responsive Twenty Eleven theme.
<<< AND SO THINGS CHANGE >>> After I changed the theme to Beyond Expectation, I noticed that all the hyperlinks were not showing up in a blue colour. That just didn’t affect my recent post, but all the posts. So after some searching for a solution, I decided to also change this blog to the Twenty Eleven theme, and save myself a lot of time and hassle.