Says 96 – Air, or what is classified as a gas, is really a fluid

Air behaves very much like a fluid in that it is not as light and porous as we imagine it to be. It also exhibits certain magnetic or surface tension characteristics and properties.

I say this as I was lying on my bed and noticed a speck of dust floating in the air above me as light coming through the window above and behind me was being reflected off it. I slowly raised my hand, pointing at it with my index finger. NO matter how slowly I moved, it always moved away from me. I couldn’t’ touch it as there always appeared to be a 2 – 3 inch separation. I could move it to the left or right with my finger directing its motion, but there was no way that I could capture it. It was like I was always pushing it away from me or it was being repelled from me. It reminded me of the surface tension of a leaf on water.

This also got me to thinking and questioning my beliefs of what a solid is. I feel that what we call solids is also fluid, just is a denser for. Space is a fluid. Air is a fluid, Water is a fluid, Wood is a fluid, Rock is a fluid. So why can’t everything, including what we call matter be just different forms of fluids? If everything is energy and vibration, it is constantly moving and thus, it’s a fluid. So space, gas, liquids and solids are all is a fluid state of motion. So if we can move though space, air and water, why can’t we move though solids.Things that make you go Hummmm.

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