As an empath, if you aren’t sacrificing yourself to try to make others happy by giving them what they want so that you’ll not be attacked, you’re also looking for ways to protect yourself from unloving energy and entities. There are numerous ways of trying to protect oneself from unloving energy and entities, including New AGE, where you visualize yourself surrounded in light or in a bubble, or if you’re into native traditions, you do smudging. If you’re into religion, then praying is the method of choice. The thing with these techniques is that they are temporary quick fix sand don’t deal with the real issue. What is your fear? What is your denial? Empaths pickup on the energy of a person or groups, like people in a Mall, that can quickly make an empath feel drained. Once you heal your issues with dealing with unloving energy and entities by ending your denials and expressing what you feel, those experiences no longer activate and drain you.