Saysame.com – Feeling different
Admit it. You think and feel different. You feel you don’t fit into society. You feel lost and alone. You feel like the little match girl, always on the outside looking in. You want to be like them, but you know you aren’t like them, not even close. You may dress like them, listen to the same music, watch the same TV shows, go to the same movies or clubs, do the same things they do, but at the same time, you know and feel this is not for you. The more you try to fit in and belong, the more you feel alone and like an outsider, watching the so-called “normal people” go about their robotic existence they call life. Even our customary greeting of, “How are you?” and the generic reply, “Fine, and you?” feels fake and phony, not real. You’re confused and wonder why this is happening to you. Why are you different?
Face it. You want to be your real self, yet you’re afraid to show it for fear of being rejected or even attacked like you have been in the past. You want to talk to the man or woman in the grocery store or in the mall, but you hesitate because they are strangers, and so you and deny and just walk on by. But consider this, what if the man or woman wanted to talk to you but felt the same way you do. So in that moment, both missed an opportunity to connect with another that feels and thinks alike, and so you both stay in your little box, feeling shut out from the world you desire to be a part of. It isn’t about the other person, it’s all about you. They may not respond to you the way you hoped, but that doesn’t matter. What matters is that you made the effort to go out of your comfort zone: to end your denials and love yourself enough to dare to be real and authentic. You will never know unless you try and unless you try, you will never know. Who knows what doors you may open by taking a chance on a conversation you intuitively feel you need to begin. Everyone carries a piece of the puzzle and everyone that comes into your life, does so for a reason. Trust your intuition, take a risk, expect the unexpected. See what magic the universe has in store for you.