Welcome to Saysame

"Expressing thoughts, ideas, feelings and emotions... from a different point-of-view."


Wordpress (2012 Jan. - Present)


As of 2012 Jan 21 I installed Wordpress Blog on my website and it is now my primary personal blog. It has more features than Opera, and I like the fact that I am not dependant on an outside source, other than my Web host. I know I've been lax in blogging as I was involved in gettimg my three books edited and published, and that seemed to take forever. Writing was one thing, but getting it formated for a print book and eBook is another matter. I've also been a motor vehicle accident in 2014, and that has also set me back.


Opera Blog (2007 - 2011 Dec.)


Opera was my personal blog that I started in January of 2007. I had moved to Opera from Blogger as it offered searchable "tags" that I felt were a must for a blog. Opera has served me well, but I felt it was finally time to host my own blog on my website using Wordpress, that I now feel gives me all the features I desire. Effective 2012 Jan 21 my new personal blog will be on Wordpress on this website, and like my other blogs, I will still link to it for refrence.

Much to my dismay, Opera blog closed down its site on March 1, 2014, and so to save my material, I had to move the entire blog over to my free Wordpress Blog that I hadn’t been using. Below is a link to the material that used to be on my Opera blog, that’s now on Wordpress.

Opera Blog now on Wordpress


Blogger Blogs (2005 May - 2006 Dec.)

boxSaysame on Blogger was my first personal blog that I started in May, 2005 and used up to Dec 31, 2007. I was frustrated by several blogging issues including, down time, access, and up-loading images, as well as the narrow text style, to name a few. What I was also looking for was to not only be able to view my posts, but to also be able to search them on my blog using keywords. Opera gave me what I was looking for so I switched. My older Blogger blogs are still active in that they contain all my blog archives, it's just that I am no longer posting to them. If you want to view them, you can find the links below, or in the side panel.


Blogs on Social Issues:


The intent and purpose of the following Blogs was to present and document the unloving denials present in our society, and to show how the different religions, governments, organizations, customs and traditions are all related, and how the truth is distorted, manipulated and controlled by the use of denial, omission, or by stating part truths meant to confuse and deceive. In all our history, nothing has really changed except the form of the experiences, and as long as these conditions, fueled by unlovingness and our old imprints, programs and beliefs are present, no real healing or true understanding can take place.

I stopped adding "new" content to these blogs in January 2007, as what was now happening was basically a repeat of what happened before, except with a change in form. If you look, but more importantly, "feel" under the current situations, you will know what Imean. SSDD (Same Shit D ifferent Day)


Religion - Denials and Truth






This blog focuses on religion with its denials and power plays, as well as its interactions with Politics. As they say, "Religion and politics make strange bedfellows." Religion is just another form of mind control, used to subjugate the population, although they would adamantly deny that.


Politics - Denial and Truth






This blog focuses on politics, showing the denials and power plays going on and its association with organized religion, big business, the military industrial complex, and the NWO powers behind the scenes. What the media circus is portraying as truth is far from it, and they are, in fact, part of the conspiracy to overthrow foreign governments.


Isreal - History repeat with a twist






I started this blog during the Israeli - Lebanon war (2006-2007). It shows what the Israeli government and military are doing to others, is similar to what Hitler did to them in WWII. Israel, of course, has the backing and support of the US government and their military war machine, that it also secretly controls.


911 - Cover-Up






This blog is about the so-called "9/11 terrorist attack" and the subsequent cover-up (2001 - present) with photos and links to other sites. While there can be no denial that two planes hit the WTC towers, how the towers and another building that wasn't hit by a plane, came down in free fall fashion does raise disturbing questions. There is also much to be said about the the conflicting evidence of Flight 77 that is supposed to have hit the Pentagon, as well as the fate of Flight 93 that supposedly crashed in a field in Pennsylvania with minimal wreckage debris or impact crater.

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